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Orion Notebook

Orion Notebook

High Quality note books with best paper quality

Xilk Pen

Xilk Pen

Best quality premium pens

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Orion Children Books

Best quality animated books for children

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Orion Exam Board

Best quality orion exam board for your comfort zone

thing are good enough

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Orion Impressions

Orion Book Binders Pvt. Ltd. is a division of Orion Group presently involved in the manufacturing of wide variety of notebooks under the brand name – “ORION IMPRESSIONS“. Orion Book Binders has State of the Art Facility with Factory located in Leather Complex, Bojerhat near Bantalla spread over 80,000 sq. Ft.

Orion Group is a leading brand in the real estate market and well-known for development of numerous commercial and residential projects in Kolkata. The Group has diversified into various other activities such as manufacturing of Notebooks, Bidi, Warehousing and Communication services


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